

Our rentals collection is a thoughtfully curated collection of tents, dinnerware, décor, furnishings, & more to help bring your wedding or event to life.

From tents to plates, we have everything you need to help create the perfect wedding or event space, whether you’re planning to invite 40 people, or 400.

Gone are the days of purchasing several hundreds of dollars of table décor for your wedding that you will never use again. Our collection of décor is constantly growing to keep up with new design trends, as well as ones that have stood the test of time.

Basically, we’re a one stop shop! Which makes planning your event super easy and stress free by only having to use one vendor!

You can view our entire collection at the end of this page, or visit any of the pages below for a more specific view of items you might be interested in renting.

Rentals Inventory

Below is our entire rentals collection. Use the categories and filter menus to sort through our collection easily.

How to Rent

To inquire about any rental items, please add the ones you are interested your Wishlist. Once your Wishlist is complete, simply fill out the remaining requested information and submit it to us. Please do not worry about getting everything right/covered in your Wishlist! We know that unless you’ve planned weddings or events before, you probably won’t know exactly what you need. And that’s ok, because we will!

After you submit your Wishlist to us, one of our staff will be in touch to go over everything you have in your Wishlist and to get more information about your wedding or event. From here we will give any recommended or necessary changes to you before sending over a formal quote with applicable delivery fees in it for you to review!